Protect Your Eyesight – Maintain Your Eye Health at Our West Des Moines Optometrist
Protecting your eyes and your vision plays an essential role in your quality of life as you age. By taking steps to keeping your eyes healthy and ensuring that you obtain proper treatment from an eye doctor in West Des Moines, you limit the risks to your vision.
Get an Eye Exam from an Eye Doctor
Our West Des Moines eye doctor must evaluate your vision to clarify potential risks to your eyes. You want to get an exam on a regular basis to ensure that you understand the risks and take precautions against the problems that may develop. Early detection is a key part of treating an eye condition.
Obtain Proper Treatment for Eye Conditions
Proper treatment for eye conditions varies for each individual. You want to follow through with glaucoma treatment, cataract surgery or other recommendations when an eye doctor in West Des Moines discovers a potential problem. In our clinic, we recommend treatments based on your eyes and the severity of a condition.
Keep Your Body Healthy
A healthy body reduces the number of risks to your vision. Get a regular medical exam to check for high blood pressure, diabetes or other medical health concerns that may impact your eyes. You also want to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet to keep your body in the optimal health.
Focus on foods that reduce the risk of eye conditions, such as omega-3 rich foods like fish or antioxidant-rich foods like berries. Exercising also reduces the risk of certain eye conditions, so you want to go for regular walks or spend time on your physical body when you notice concerns related to your eyes.
Contact Our West Des Moines Eye Doctor for More Infomation Today!
Protecting your eyesight is part of maintaining your quality of life as you age. You want to avoid cataract surgery or other complicated treatments by reducing the risk of developing an eye condition. An eye doctor assists with your goals by clarifying your eye health and providing treatment for conditions that develop. To learn more about protecting your eyes or for an appointment, contact us at (515) 224-9681 today.